Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Shopping centers and shops / Sport shop (Stöckli Swiss Sports)
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Long panoramic photos as design elements in a shop for sports and outdoor equipment.
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: Several long panoramic photos as design elements in a shop for sport and outdoor equipment.
Motifs: Summer and winter landscapes from Switzerland
Size (HxW)    0.9m x bis 20.2m
Panoramic photos: P010661: Panoramabild Napfregion
P010485: Gipfelpanorama Schwarzhorn (Grindelwald)
P009674: Panoramabild Wald
P009011: Panoramabild Winterlandschaft in den Berner Voralpen
P007233: Panoramabild Winterlandschaft vom Gipfel der Sieben Hengste (Sibe Hängste)
P006031: Gigapixel-Panoramabild Voralpen und Alpen
P004545: Grosspanoramabild Raureiflandschaft mit Bäumen
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Customer: Stöckli Outdoor Sports
Location: Shop Cham, Switzerland
Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Shopping centers and shops / Sport shop (Stöckli Swiss Sports)
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