Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Shopping centers and shops / Shopping and leisure center Westside
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Cutouts of high-resolution panoramic photos as paneling wall elements.
Shopping center Westside Bern Shopping center Westside Bern
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: 26 cutouts of high-resolution panoramic photos as paneling wall elements.
Size (HxW) max. 340cm x max. 600cm
Resolution: > 120dpi
Panoramic photos: P010218: 360° Gigapixel Foto Wasserfall in Schlucht (Langzeitbelichtung)
P010137: Panoramabild Bergbach in Naturlandschaft (Langzeitbelichtung)
P010135: Grossbild Wasserfall in Berglandschaft (Langzeitbelichtung)
P006719: Panoramabild Spiegelung mit Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau
P004436: Grosspanorama Wasser in Berglandschaft
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Print: Printed on tissue
Customer: Westside Bern Brünnen
Location: Switzerland
Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Shopping centers and shops / Shopping and leisure center Westside
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