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Large mountain landscape from the region of Grindelwald (Bernese Oberland) in a conference room.
Photos: Provided
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: Large panoramic photo in a conference room of an Online Marketing Agency.
Motif: Panoramic photo of the Bernese Alps (Wetterhorn), Grindelwald, Switzerland.
Panoramic photo: P012933: Panoramafoto Berner Alpen (Wetterhorn und Co.) von Grindelwald
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Size (HxW): 3 x 4.8m
Resolution: 120dpi
Material: HP Latex Printing on lackluster Vinyl Premium photo wallpaper
Customer:, exito GmbH & Co. KG, Online Marketing Agency
Location: Nürnberg, Business Tower Nürnberg, Germany