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Panoramic photo in a meeting room. It was printed out on canvas and spanned on a wooden frame.
Photos: Provided
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: Several panoramic photos in several meeting rooms (printed out on canvas).
Motifs: 4000th of Swiss mountains.
Size (area)    each 1.5-3m2, partly in several parts
Panoramic photo: P02499a:
P006786a: Panoramabild Weisshorngruppe vom Augstbordhorn
P007907: Panoramabild Fletschhorn, Lagginhorn und Weissmies
P010547: Panoramabild Gornergletscher und Zermatter Viertausender
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Customer: Baggenstos - IT Services and Solutions
Location: Switzerland