Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Restaurants and Cafés / Staff restaurant
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Large panoramic image as a design element in a staff restaurant.
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: High-resolution panoramic image as a design element in a staff restaurant.
Motif: Emmental hills with Bernese Alps in the background. -> The window in the Emmental.
Size (HxW)    1.13x5.48m @ 200dpi
Panoramic photo: P013543: Grosses Panoramafoto Emmentaler Hügellandschaft im Morgenlicht
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Customer: Blaser Swisslube AG
Location: USA
Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Restaurants and Cafés / Staff restaurant
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