Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Restaurants and Cafés / Restaurant at exhibition OLMA
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A large panoramic photo of a forest landscape in a restaurant at the exhibition OLMA.
Photos: Provided
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: A high resolution panoramic photo of a spring forest provides a natural atmosphere in a restaurant at OLMA 2014.
Size (HxW)    2.8 x 12m (in several parts)
Panoramic photo: P012402a: 360° Panoramabild Frühlingswald
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Creation: Creativatelier GmbH
Exhibition: OLMA 2014 (St.Gallen, Switzerland)
Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (industry & trade) / Restaurants and Cafés / Restaurant at exhibition OLMA
Gehe zu Anwendungsbeispiel: Nächstes | Vorhergehendes | Erstes | Letztes | Alle | Nach Themen