- Impressum, Contact is done by Simon Oberli (software developer and panoramic photographer)

The work includes the panoramic photos (admission and processing), the development of software for the management of image data (descriptions, keywords, etc.), construction and maintenance of the database and the creation of this website. is operated by:
Daniela & Simon Oberli
Contact address / Oberli Engineering GmbH
Simon & Daniela Oberli
Alte Lützelflühstrasse 24
CH-3415 Rüegsauschachen (Hasle-Rüegsau, Schweiz)
Feedbacks (opinions, suggestions and improvements) are desired. They can be transmitted by email.
Use and copyright of the panoramic photos
The panoramic photos of this homepage are protected by copyright and may not be used without approval from the photographer Simon Oberli.
Financing and operation was created, operated and is financed 100% by Daniela & Simon Oberli.
General information
  • This website uses cookies solely for storing the contents of the watch list.
  • This website does not use any analysis functions of third parties.
  • IP addresses are temporarily stored, but are not assigned to any persons, companies or organisations and are not passed on to third parties.
  • Location web server, database and all content: Switzerland.
  • Responsible for the content and for answering questions about this website is: Simon Oberli,