Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (private) / Panoramic image illuminated from the back
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Panoramic image illuminated from the back for the residential and/or business premises (meeting room, reception area, etc.).
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: Panoramic image printed on glass and backlit with LED as a wall decoration.
Motif: Bernese Alps taken from Männlichen.
Size (HxW)    75x550cm
Resolution: > 260dpi
Panoramic photo: P003137: 360° Panoramabild Berner Alpen vom Männlichen
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Print: Printed directly on glass.
Manufacturer: On request.
Backlighting: Several LED panels
Manufacturer: AckuTech AG
Location: Switzerland
Navigation: Showroom / Architecture (private) / Panoramic image illuminated from the back
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