Navigation: Showroom / Fairs, exhibitions and events / Exhibition tent
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Large quadratic tent decorated with panoramic photos on each side.
Photos: Provided
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: Large exhibition tent with very large panoramic images on the side walls.
Motifs: Swiss mountain scenery (Bernese Alps, regions of Aletsch and Zermatt/Gornergrat).
Size (HxW)    Each of the 4 sides amounts to 4x25m
Panoramic photos: P005159: Grosses Alpenpanorama Berner Alpen
P004036: Grosspanorama Morgen im Hochgebirge
P004025: Grosspanoramabild Alpenpanorama vom Eggishorn
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Print: Printed on tarpaulin.
Customer: Ammann Group
Location of the exhibition: Germany
Navigation: Showroom / Fairs, exhibitions and events / Exhibition tent
Gehe zu Anwendungsbeispiel: Nächstes | Vorhergehendes | Erstes | Letztes | Alle | Nach Themen