Navigation: Showroom / Further applications / Observatory Planetarium SIRIUS
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Applications of panoramic photos in a planetarium.
Sternwarte/Planetarium Sirius
From the dome of the observatory, a 360 ° panoramic image was created. This panoramic photo will be projected in the planetarium on the lower edge of the dome.
Sternwarte/Planetarium SiriusWe used a software to create a 360° horizon which is projected in the planetarium. It shows which planets, stars and constellations can be seen in the immediate vicinity of the observatory.
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Panoramic photo:
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Stiftung Sternwarte Planetarium SIRIUS
Location: 3657 Schwanden above Sigriswil, Switzerland
Navigation: Showroom / Further applications / Observatory Planetarium SIRIUS
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