Navigation: Showroom / Fairs, exhibitions and events / Exhibitions / Museum Night 2013
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Interactive 360°-gigapixel-panoramic image at the Bernese Museum Night.
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: At the Bernese Museum Night presented an interactive 360 ° panoramic image in the size of 1 gigapixel in Stadtarchiv Bern.
The panoramic photo was taken from the spire of the Bern Cathedral.
Size 1 gigapixel
Panoramic photo: P008111: 360° Gigapixel-Panoramabild Rundumsicht von der Spitze des Berner Münsters
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Location: Switzerland
URL: More information...
Navigation: Showroom / Fairs, exhibitions and events / Exhibitions / Museum Night 2013
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