Navigation: Showroom / Fairs, exhibitions and events / Exhibition stands / Exhibition stand Viessmann
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A large panoramic photo of a winter landscape as a back wall of an exhibition stand.
During the construction.
After the completion.
Photos: Provided
Panoramafotos anzeigen: AlleNeueAktualisierte
Description: Back wall of an exhibition stand.
Motif: Panoramic image of a long drawn cornice in untouched mountain landscape.
The athletes have been copied into the panoramic photo.
Size (HxW) 2.7 x 21.4m
Panoramic photo: P009223: Panoramabild Langgezogene Wächte in Berglandschaft
Photographer: Simon Oberli,
Creation: Atelier Markgraph GmbH
Viessmann, climate of innovation
Fair location: Germany
Navigation: Showroom / Fairs, exhibitions and events / Exhibition stands / Exhibition stand Viessmann
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